Looking for a fun and easy way to celebrate
the accomplishment of reaching the 100th Day of school?   
‘Score big points’ with your kids and try…

Touchdown – Celebrating 100 Days

Touchdown – Celebrating 100 Days contains the following printable activities…

Language Arts:
Word Search- E
Crossword Puzzle- U
100 Yards of Reading
Super Bowl Champions – Making Words
100 Yards of Thanks
100 Football Training Exercises (Verbs)
Write a Commercial- U
Crunch Time!  (compare/contrast)
I Can Count Booklet – P/K

Football Team Math
Half Time-E
Go the Distance! (measurement)
Hosting a Super Bowl Party – Adjusting a Recipe to Feed 100 People- U
Football Flick and Tally

Décor – Signs and Place cards

Especially for the Little Ones:
Football Coloring –P/K
Glue 100 Cheerios on the Football – P
Search and Count –P


This resource was used in our homeschool with various ages/grades varying from preschool through upper elementary to help us celebrate our 100th day!  

Suggested levels for use are as follows, but can vary depending on your child’s ability…
P- Preschool,  K – Kindergarten,  E- Early Elementary , U – Upper Elementary


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Touchdown – Celebrating 100 Days